Your specialist for format flexible cup, pot, tub & bucket filling machinery



Grunwald Ltd can provide training for machine operators and engineers through our team of experienced UK-based, German qualified engineers.

Machine General Training - Course Outline


Grunwald Ltd will provide onsite training to customer’s employees to provide the skills and knowledge required to facilitate necessary levels of competence, safety, and productivity across work shifts.

It is recognised that there may be two distinct audiences for the general training – Engineers and Operators. The course accommodates this by identifying different modules that are applicable for delivery to one, other or both groups. The success of this cascaded training process is heavily reliant on the competence and commitment of the trainees. It is important that all individuals selected for training are chosen carefully and that each are aware of their responsibilities.

Course Details:

The Machine General Training course typically takes 2 days to complete, depending on the type of machine, the candidate’s experience, the pace at which they progress, the number of machines, and machine availability. This is followed by at least 2 days supervision, subject to machine availability, during full production where Grunwald trainers will work with candidates to continuously improve their operation and understanding of the machine.

Grunwald general training is included with every machine installation.

Grunwald training

Completion of Training

The course ends with a verbal assessment of each participant conducted by the Grunwald trainer. Each candidate will be required to have thoroughly understood and retained the course content. They will also need to demonstrate their ability to present what they’ve learned clearly and coherently.

NB - Due to the different types of machines and Grunwald’s continuous improvement on their design, certification on one Grunwald machine does not guarantee certification on another. Certification for multiple machines may be appropriate but this must be agreed by Grunwald and the customer on a case-by-case basis.


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+44 (0)1529 414999

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